2009年3月25日 星期三


 Chattanooga’s story shows that a key to finding solutions to environmental problems and making a transition to more sustainable societies is to recognize that most social change results from individual actions and individuals acting together to bring about change by bottom-up grassroots action


 In other words, individuals matter — an important theme of this book.


 Research by social scientists suggests that it takes only 5–10% of the population of a community, country, or the world to bring about major social change


2009年3月11日 星期三


 Suppose that China’s economy continues growing exponentially at a rapid rate and its projected population size reaches 1.47 billion by 2031.

假如中國經濟持續成長的話 我們能迅速算出它的人口大小在2031年之前就會達到14.7億之多

 Then China will need two-thirds of the world’s current grain harvest, twice the world’s current paper consumption, and more than the current global production of oil.

那麼中國會需要全球三分之二的農作物(五榖) 兩倍祇的消耗量 以及更多目前石油的生產量